Please install driver from QcFire\Drivers folder using Device Manager. WARNING! High Speed Driver is not installed. Some phones may need Special Boot Cable or TestPoint for EDL mode.įound Port : Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM5)ĭriver Info : Qualcomm Incorporated, qcusbser.sys, Turn Off phone, hold Vol UP + Vol DOWN and insert USB cable. Port : COM14 : Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics 9091 (COM14) Searching for Device in FTM Mode.Not Found Port : COM20 : Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics 9091 (COM20) phone imei1 0- and imei2 0- phone no network no amerngency call. Ultimate Multi Tool - QcFire v1.3 yes reset efs and UMT methot 1 imei repair done.
yes phone orginal Qcn read and phone test point edl mode. Please reboot maunally if does not reboot automatically.
Saved as : F:\xiomi\MAI 132\Redmi 4X Mai132 umt.qcn